Hands to Heal Massage Therapy - Mothers Day 9th May 2021


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A Lot More In Store...

Mums Need Massage... It's Scientifically Proven!

Mums need massages on the regular. Science promises that we’ll be a lot less prone to screaming into a pillow because the toddler flushed a stuffed animal than we would otherwise. As Mums, we’ve got to learn to be good to ourselves. Why is it so hard to treat ourselves at least as kindly as we treat others? Mums need to understand that being kind and loving to our own bodies and minds positively affects our family lives at least as much as it affects us. Depression and wining children make for a woman who is at her wit’s end.

...SOoo!! Mums Need Massage; Why? What Actually Does Massage Do?

Okay the first word you think of when you imagine getting a massage is relaxing! - spa, nails, hair pluckey ochey waxing thing (yep a man wrote this), weird, wonderful soft whale music (Boring fact #2 ..Whales have more vocabulary than humans - we hear it as  awwwwOOOHH BUUU BUU WHUPWHUPWUHP!! translated means "there is no milk left mum") that we only hear when we’re getting a massage. The smell of rich oils and scented candles. The masseuse who hopefully doesn’t talk to you the entire time. Umm (Yep guilty as charged) Relaxing Right. YEHNAH!!

SOoo There’s So Much More To It.. Massage increases serotonin and dopamine, those delightful feel-good hormones that we wish we could experience all day, every day. That’s why you feel so relaxed and chilled after a nice, long massage (60-90 minutes) especially at the Hands to Heal Massage Therapy Clinic here in Bethlehem, Tauranga City, were genuine Massage Therapy is taylored especially for you...

Good Stuff! Let’s not forget all the endorphins a massage helps release because that’s the good stuff. From pain relief to a happy mood, endorphins are the Rockstar's among hormones. That's the feeling you get after you laugh so hard you almost shoot coffee out of your nose. let's go with that...

Not So Good Stuff!! It’s unhealthy to experience the flight or fight response every minute of every day; We have all heard of "Adrenal Fatigue" right?! actually, it's a complete system being fatigued in your body called 'The Endocrine System' thereby actually possibly should rename (Don't' get me started on that subject!!) Endocrine Fatigue... this is when super mum becomes grumpy mum and your family will be forced to experience that same negative reaction from mums' action!! You control the weather in your home, which is why they say 'Happy Wife Happy Life' - ‘if Mum isn't a Happy Camper, Luck With That!!. 'So, If you’re thunder storming because your stress level is so high, everyone else in the house is dodging the lightning and hiding from the thunder booms. Arr the couch good old couch and yep, no PlayStation - who needs PlayStation right!!

Call and or book online (the widget button top left of this page) too schedule your massage therapy at Hands to Heal Massage Therapy right now... But there's more every Mother's Day Gift Voucher sold will receive a *Free Mother's Day Gift...

Mothers Day May 9th - Mum's Need Massage!

Did You Know That We Have a 'lil Gift Shop'?  I know..


Available in store @ the Hands to Heal Massage Therapy Clinic - 206 Moffat Road, Bethlehem, Tauanga City